
The tab Import/export is available in the Enterprise Edition only.

Use this feature to export rules and lists from one WordPress installation to another one.

As a data file is needed before it can be imported, this page starts with explaining how to export a file.


To export a data file, click on Download. This will result in a JSON file being downloaded to your client. You can choose any filename you like, as long as the extension is .json.

There are three types of data included in this export:

  1. Rules to anonymize table columns.
  2. Exceptions to skip tables rows during anonymization.
  3. The values of the lists:
    • Domains
    • Names
    • Nicknames
    • Agent strings
    • Street names
    • City names
    • IBAN’s

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To import a data file, click on Choose file to select the data file which was exported from another WordPress installation.

Then choose what should be done with the existing data in the plugin.

If you overwrite existing data, the existing rules and lists will be overwritten with the data in the file.

If you append an import file to existing data, please keep the following in mind:

  1. New values for lists will not be appended beyond the maximum list size of 100 values.
  2. Overlapping rules may occur, targeting the same table column. Those rules will simply execute in the specified order. This means that data that has already been anonymized by one rule, will be anonymized again by another one. This adds no value but is mostly harmless, except that the anonymization takes longer to run.

Click on Upload to import the data file.

If the file cannot be upload due to security restrictions, an error message is displayed.

(!) The existing rules and lists are retained in the plugin in case of an error.

If the file is allowed to be processed, the data is validated. Invalid data is ignored and warnings are displayed.

Validation errors are likely to occur if the database table structure is different in the WordPress installation where the import file originates from. In the example below, a rule for a table column is skipped because the table wp_user does not exist. You can edit the import file to fix validation issues.

If there are no warnings, a confirmation message is displayed and all data in the file has been succesfully imported.

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